Shaving tips for healthy skin

Shaving is something we all do; it does not matter if you are a man or a woman, we all have to shave. But more importantly, we all need to shave properly to ensure skin health.

There are so many people who think that shaving is just taking a razor and using it on your skin. Doing just that would result in improper shaving, dry and irritated skin, and a lot of cuts and redness. 

To make your shaving experience more effective, easy, and healthier, here are some great shaving tips you need to follow. Let’s get started. 

Wash Before Shaving

Dry and dirty skin is not suitable for shaving. The dryness can lead to cuts, redness, and irritation. Shaving dry skin is also not great for removing a dead skin cell layer that sits on top of your skin. 

Tip: Make sure you take a bath before starting your shaving session. Clean your skin properly with a hydrating lotion to ensure moisture in your skin. Use a mild cleanser to get rid of the dirt and grime build-up on the skin.


Soft, hydrated skin is better for shaving than dry and fragile skin. Shaving is a harsh process that can result in a lot of skin damage if done improperly. 

Ensuring that your skin is moisturized and hydrated before shaving not only softens the hair strands but also prevents any cuts or irritation on the skin. 


Shaving is mostly done for removing hair from the body and face, but did you know that it also works on removing dead skin cell layers to reveal healthy skin underneath? 

You can make the shaving process of removing both hair strands and dead skin cells even more effective by using a mild, physical exfoliator while bathing. 

Note: Do not use harsh, chemical exfoliators such as AHA, or BHA. It is better to wash your skin with a soft loofah for gentle scrubbing and better cleaning before shaving. 

Use the Right Shaving Cream

You might wonder, “What right is shaving cream? There are just shaving creams and that’s it.” By ‘right shaving cream,’ we mean the cream that suits your skin. 

People have different skin types, and while normal skin types can get away with using any shaving creams, people with sensitive or dry skin cannot. 

Make sure that the shaving cream suits your skin type. There are creams that are meant for sensitive skin, dry skin, etc. Choose the one that suits you the best. 

Note: Avoid using soap and other harsh cleaners as shaving creams. They might create a lather and foam which appears like shaving creams, but they are doing the opposite thing. 

You need moisture and oil while shaving. Soaps are harsh cleaners that make skin dry and take away moisture and oil. Shaving in that condition can lead to problems. So avoid soaps and harsh cleansers for shaving. Read more about soap and how harsh they can be for your face.

All the tips for shaving

Shave in the Direction of Hair Growth

Nobody wants those pesky razor bumps, razor burns, or inflamed pimples due to poor shaving. To avoid them all, shave in the direction of hair growth and not in the opposite way. 

While shaving in the opposite direction can make the skin feel more smooth instantly and remove the hair strands properly, what use is that if just a few hours later your skin gets filled with tiny bumps and redness?

Replace and Care for Your Shaving Blade

This one goes to the men who keep using the same razor for weeks! The blades are not military grade so they will last for weeks.

The cheaper shaving blades would last only three to four shaves before they start showing signs of wear and improper shaving. So apart from noticing dirt or rust, if you feel that the razor is not shaving smoothly, it is time to replace it.

Where you store your razors also makes a lot of difference in its longevity of it. Do not just throw the razor blade back into the cabinet after you are done shaving.

The moisture on the blade can lead to rust and damage, reducing the efficiency of it. After you are done shaving, wipe the blade and then keep it inside a dry place. 

Moisturize After Shaving

Using the razor and then washing it off with cold water does not do the job. Your skin just got shaved with a sharp blade. It needs some aftercare. 

Men use aftershave lotion which contains alcohol. While it is great for sanitizing your face and giving off a great smell, the alcohol dries your face out, not to mention the removal of oil from your face after washing and shaving. 

So make sure that no matter which part of your body you shave, moisturize it afterward to keep healthy. But we are not done yet. 

Use Sunscreen

Using sunscreen whenever you are exposed to UV rays is necessary, but it becomes even more important when you have shaved your skin. 

Shaving not just removes the hair or dirt from the skin, but also the dead skin cell layer. A new, healthy skin layer is exposed. 

The UV rays can be very damaging to that new skin layer, so protecting it is very important. Make sure that you use sunscreen properly after you have shaved and are going to be exposed to the sun. 

Use sunscreen with SPF 50 above and apply it properly to cover the entire surface of the skin. If you are using a chemical sunscreen, wait for 15-20 minutes after application and then step in the sunlight. 

Follow these shaving tips and your shaving experience will get better; no more redness, bumps, cuts, or dry flaky skin. Remember to take care of your skin. 

Also know: How to Wash Your Face Properly

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