Benefits of boroline

When you think of skincare products, brands like The Ordinary, La Roche Posey, Murad, etc. are the brands that come to your mind. Certainly, Boroline is something you would never imagine finding in a skincare article. Yet, there are 8 great benefits of Boroline for skin that will surprise you. 

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The simple and affordable green tube that can be bought in any general store can do wonders for your skin. Before we get started, here are the ingredients that make Boroline a skin care rockstar; Boric acid, Zinc Oxide, and Lanolin. Just three great ingredients make Boroline a wonder cream. 

Benefits of Boroline for Skin

Boroline has been in the Indian market for decades and has become an icon. For people who are reading this article from other countries, a cream that has these three ingredients would be equally beneficial. Let’s look at the 8 great benefits of Boroline for the skin. 

Protects from UV Rays 

Boroline contains a good amount of zinc oxide and zinc oxide is a great UV reflector. It prevents the UV rays from getting inside your dermis and causing severe skin and DNA damage, hyperpigmentation, cell aging, and even some cancers. 

While Boroline alone would not be a great sunscreen and you still need to apply a proper sunscreen before you step in the sun (or even when it is cloudy), the added UV protection from Boroline is definitely a benefit! 

Soothes Skin and Prevents Irritation

The most common reason people use Boroline is its soothing qualities. No matter what kind of skin irritation you have, a healthy dollop of Boroline cream gives instant relief. Boroline’s primary ingredient is boric acid, which is great for skin irritation. 

Keeps the Skin Moist

The third star ingredient of Boroline, lanolin is a form of wax that humans have used for centuries. Lanolin is great at locking in the moisture in the skin and preventing transdermal water loss. 

Lanolin is also the reason why the cream has a waxy texture. It makes the skin supple, moisturized, prevents drying, and helps in the absorption and action of boric acid. 

Prevents Infection

Boric acid is an excellent antimicrobial and antifungal agent. This is the reason why Boroline is used on cuts and abrasions. Apart from being a great antiseptic cream, it heals and nourishes the skin. So next time you get a minor cut or rash, know that Boroline is doing more than just preventing infection on the injury site. 

Boroline also helps in skin healing. As it protects the skin from UV rays (which can aggravate the skin condition) and moisturize the skin, the skin healing process is more effective and faster. 

Improves Skin Barrier

Everyone has a natural skin barrier that protects the skin from losing moisture, mechanical damage, and infection from foreign particles such as bacteria and fungi. The skin barrier, however, is delicate and everyday stressors such as pollution, dry air, sun rays, etc can damage it. 

Boroline helps in maintaining a healthy skin barrier which in turn makes the skin healthier. 

Helps in Treating Blisters, Burns, Rash, etc

The antiseptic and antifungal properties of Boroline are known. The lanolin present in the cream helps in soothing severe and localised skin damage, something that you get when the skin is burnt, blistered, etc. From minor rash to burns, Boroline helps in every case while preventing further infection. 

Can be Applied Anywhere Topically

Another wonderful benefit of Boroline cream is that it is safe for topical application on almost every part of the skin. From the scalp to heel, use Boroline anywhere and it will work wonderfully. It can even be used in intimate areas, although we recommend asking your doctor before applying any cream or ointment there. 

Prevents Skin Damage

Skin healing is one thing, keeping skin healthy and intact is another. Boroline does both. The ingredients in boroline promote healthy skin reconstruction, help in maintaining a healthy skin barrier, and prevent free-radical damage from UV rays.

As a result, you get great skin that stays healthy. All of that from just an affordable, simple skin cream. That were all the great benefits of Boroline and why you should always have it in your home.

You can buy Boroline on Amazon.

Take care of your skin. 

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