Benefits of Turmeric for Skin

India has given the world some of the most beneficial and incredible herbs and plants, and turmeric is one of them. We know about the healing properties of turmeric, but did you know that turmeric can be a game-changer for your skin?

Turmeric has countless benefits for your skin and while the West is realizing it now, we have known it for hundreds of years. 

Since turmeric or Haldi is so easily available and good quality Haldi can be obtained for low prices, using it in your skincare routine becomes easy and accessible. 

Let’s take a look at all the benefits of turmeric or haldi for your skin, along with the best ways to use it. 

Turmeric has Anti-Oxidants

The pollution in the environment and the harsh and damaging UV rays of the sun create something called ‘free radicals’ and these free radicals are very damaging to your skin. It affects the skin cells, causing aging, hyperpigmentation, etc. 

Turmeric, just like Vitamin C, is an excellent antioxidant that combats these free radicals, taking them away from the skin. So turmeric can protect your skin from all the damage it incurs every day. 

Benefits of Turmeric for Skin

Healing Properties

As already mentioned, turmeric is an excellent skin soother. It has antioxidants that heal the skin and also antibacterial properties to prevent skin infection. It improves wound healing and can be very beneficial for skin allergies, redness, etc. 

Improves Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is one of the gifts that come from sun damage. Remember the free radicals? The skin produces melanin in response to the damage from the sun. 

Uneven production of melanin results in hyperpigmentation. Turmeric can help in reducing hyperpigmentation and even stop it to some extent. 

Brightens Skin

The anti-bacterial and cleaning properties of turmeric do show up once you see how bright your skin becomes. Turmeric rejuvenates the skin and makes it look and feel fantastic. Again, this is all due to the antioxidants present in the skin. 

Help in Breakouts

Breakouts usually occur due to the dirt and bacteria present in the pores of the skin. Add inflammation or irritation and you are all set for a bad case of acne breakout. 

The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric, along with its healing capabilities make it perfect to help with breakouts and reduce the chances of acne. 

Reduces Signs of Aging

Turmeric has shown excellent effects in reducing early signs of aging. It includes reducing fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet, etc. 

Manages Oily Skin

Turmeric has soothing properties and it can help in managing oily skin. Turmeric can soothe the sebum products in your pores, making your skin less oily and more radiant.

Apart from all these benefits, here is a list of other benefits of turmeric for your skin:

  • Reduces dark circle appearance
  • Moisturises skin
  • Reduces symptoms of psoriasis 
  • Reduces the symptoms of eczema
  • Helps in treating scabies
  • Improves alopecia

You can apply turmeric on your skin as a paste, or mask, or use products that have turmeric as one of the active ingredients such as face cleansers, turmeric oil, etc. 

There are no known side effects of turmeric and the only issue that you may face is a very awkward yellow face even after multiple washes. Some people might be allergic to turmeric so proceed with small amounts first before going all in. 

So try it out for yourself and notice how much turmeric can help in achieving great skin. Remember to take care of your skin.

Also, read; We Bust the Myths About Skin Care!

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