DIY natural exfoliators cover image

Everyone needs skin exfoliation once in a while. Exfoliation removes the layer of dead skin cells on the top, bringing out fresh and soft skin underneath while improving skin texture, and tone, reducing acne marks, and even making the absorption of skin care products more efficient. 

But many people are cautious of using any chemical or physical exfoliating face cleansers or peel-off masks, and rightfully so. If not done right, exfoliation can lead to a lot of skin issues, especially for people with sensitive skin. A great alternative for people wanting exfoliation but not too harsh is using gentle and natural exfoliators. 

Here are some food products that are affordable and easily available that can give you a gentle exfoliation without causing any side effects or complications. We have left out most harsher physical exfoliators such as sugar, coffee, etc. 


Yogurt is delicious and refreshing to eat, but it is also a wonderful natural exfoliator of skin! Yogurt contains a small amount (around 1%) of lactic acid, which is one of the AHA acids (alpha hydroxy acid) and it is great at chemically removing the outermost dead skin cell layer. 

Since the concentration of the acid is very low, it is not harmful to any type of skin. Starting with regular application of yogurt is a great way of making your skin used to chemical exfoliation without causing any irritation. Apply yogurt on your face and keep it on for a few minutes. Rinse it with cool water. 


Apple has a good amount of malic acid which is also one of the AHA acids. Malic acid is a wonderful mild acid that does more than exfoliation. It can smoothen fine lines and wrinkles, reduce pore size and clean them, make the skin smoother, and of course, exfoliate it to make it look brighter and better. 

  • Take an apple,
  • Grind it finely
  • Apply the groundmass on your face evenly

If you want stronger exfoliation, add some yogurt or lemon juice to make it more potent. Wash it off with cool water after a few minutes. 

Finely Ground Oatmeal

Finely ground oatmeal is the only physical exfoliator that we have included in this article. Oatmeal when grounded very finely and turned into a powder-like state can be a gentle physical exfoliator. For mild exfoliation, mix finely ground oatmeal with water and gently scrub your face with it. 

If you want stronger exfoliation, consider mixing the powdered oatmeal with yogurt, sugarcane juice, or grape juice. Remember to scrub gently and then wash your face with cold water. 

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice (and other citrus fruits) are filled with citric acid. Citric acid is mild and it offers great exfoliation. Take some lemon juice in a small bowl and apply it all over your face. If you want stronger exfoliation, then add yogurt or apple paste to it. Wash with cold water.

Sugarcane Juice

Many people are not aware of it, but sugarcane juice contains a good amount of glycolic acid. Glycolic acid is a mild AHA acid and it works wonderfully in lightening the skin and making the skin tone even, reducing dark spots, and exfoliating the skin. 


Grapes have great amounts of tartaric acid which when applied in small amounts can improve skin texture, reduce fine lines, make the skin smoother, and exfoliate the skin gently. All you need to do is take a few grapes, turn them into a sludgy paste, and apply it on your face. Wash off with cool water. 

Things to Note

Even though these natural exfoliation methods are mild and safe, it is important to take proper precautions to prevent any skin damage. Firstly, remember to wash off these ingredients with cool water and not warm or hot water since your face has just been exfoliated, even mildly. 

Washing your face with warm or hot water after exfoliation can lead to red, damaged, or irritated skin. The other thing to keep in mind is wearing sunscreen. While it is important to wear sunscreen when you are out in the open during the day-time, sunscreen is even more important after you have exfoliated your skin. 

A new and soft layer of skin is exposed and it is highly prone to sun damage. If not protected, it can lead to sunburn, redness, and dark spots. Proceed with caution when you are exfoliating your skin. Keep these points in mind and take care of your skin. 

Also read: Everything you need to know about chemical exfoliators (AHA and BHA acids)

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