Does Gua Sha work?

In 2020 every influencer could be seen scraping their skin with a pretty stone to enhance their facial features. A sharp jawline without working for it? Sign me up! The gua-sha technique allegedly has benefits that go way beyond simply sculpting the face. But the question is; does Gus Sha work?

What is Gua Sha

Contrary to popular belief, gua sha is not a scraping tool rather it is an ancient Chinese healing technique dating back to 220 CE! While today we use a shiny jade scraper for this technique, the Chinese often used a coin for gua-sha. The scraping motion is aimed at draining the interstitial fluid trapped under the skin which causes puffiness. The fluid is drained naturally by the body through the lymphatic system and gua-sha helps to hasten this process.

Moreover, the scraping would cause the blood vessels to burst, causing redness or “sha” which increases cell turnover. The main difference between a jade roller and a jade scraper is that the roller only helps drain the fluid while the scraper also exfoliates and brightens the skin.

Benefits of Gua Sha

There is no scientific research that backs the benefits of gua sha, however, the anecdotal evidence is promising. Several dermatologists and estheticians encourage the usage of gua sha since they have seen their clients reap its benefits.

Following are the top 6 benefits of Gua-Sha or Jade Scraping:

  • Blood circulation: One of the very few researches on the gua-sha technique was conducted in 2007. The study revealed that even a single gua-session improves blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin. Proper blood circulation is instrumental in reducing skin inflammation and improving cell turnover. Anecdotal evidence has found that it could also help ease the appearance of cellulite by lowering fluid retention—though there’s not quite enough science to back that up.
  • Decreases aches and pain: Gua Sha has historically been used all over the body and not just the face. In the same 2007 study, it was found that gua sha decreases “myalgia” meaning local and distal aches and pain in the body.
  • Decreased Signs of Aging: Gua sha users claim that it reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by tightening the skin and improving texture.
  • De-pigmentation and brightening: By tightening and improving lymphatic flow, gua sha uncovers new layers of the skin that temporarily appear brighter. In the long run, users also report that gua sha helps to lighten age spots.
  • Bye-bye double chin: Gua sha directly puts pressure on the lymphatic fluid trapped under the skin. Draining this fluid correctly instantly reduces puffiness and a saggy chin. Using gua-sha regularly gives the appearance of a more sculpted face and a sharper jawline. It is important to note that your double chin will not “disappear”. The benefits of gua-sha are subtle and often temporary.
  • Ease Tension: When used on the body, gua sha helps you massage tense muscles, easing them gradually. By improving blood circulation and activating tensed muscles, gua-sha may considerably reduce body aches.

How to Gua Sha

It is common knowledge that the face on your skin is thinner and more sensitive than that on the rest of the body. Thus, when using gua sha on the face it is advised that you apply even and light pressure.

You must know the direction of the body’s lymphatic flow to reap maximum benefits. Start with gentle feather-like upward strokes on your forehead. Next, apply gentle pressure along your eyebrows toward the perimeter of your face. Apply extremely gently under the eyes from the inner corner to the outer corner. Similarly use the scraper around your cheekbones and jawline.

Scraping dry skin can be quite harsh, and therefore you must moisturize your skin with face oils or serums. You may even put the tool in your refrigerator for some time for a soothing experience.

Whenever you add something to your skin care regimen it is quite tempting to overdo it. It is best, however, to start slow and increase the frequency gradually. Start with a 5-minute gua-sha session once a week and once your skin is familiar with it, you may move on to twice-a-week sessions. 

Best Gua Sha Tools  

You might have seen your favorite influencers using a fancy butterfly or star-shaped jade scraper but a standard gua sha tool is best for beginners. Apart from the shape, gua sha scrapers come in different materials some of which have antimicrobial properties – a great option for acne-prone skin. Here’s a list of the best gua-sha scrapers on the market:

1.  MCaffeine – Sustainable Gua Sha – Green Quartz (MRP Rs 999): The MCaffein Gua Sha tool is the best choice for beginners. Get yours on their official site or at Myntra. The scraper is made of sustainable quartz and has the best reviews online.

2. DROMEN & CO- Set of Rose Quartz Facial Roller & Gua Sha Stone Stone Massager (MRP Rs 3999): The Dromen & Co gua sha and stone roller set is on the pricier side but has great reviews online. The set is an extra cute pink with gold details.

3. Le Marbelle Jade Gua Sha Stone Face Massager ( MRP Rs 1299)- The Le Marbelle gua sha is one of the very few real jade tools on the market. Jade has antimicrobial properties which are important if you have acne-prone skin. You can get this tool at Nykaa.


To many, gua-sha might seem like an unnecessary addition to their skin care regimen. While the benefits are scarce and mostly temporary, regular usage will give your lasting results that may be worth your time and effort.


Does a gua sha work permanently?

Gua sha shows results almost instantly. It has both long-term and short-term results depending on how regularly you use it. Naturally, if you use the gua sha technique regularly for some time, its results will be more long-lasting, but not permanent.

How long does it take for gua sha to work?

Gua-sha shows some instant results, while others take time to show up. Skin tightening and smoothening may be observed after four uses, once weekly. However, it depends totally on the individual.

Is gua sha worth the hype?

Gua-sha may be worth the hype depending on how important its benefits are for your skin. If you suffer from a lot of puffiness, then gua-sha should be one of your first choices.

What happens if you do gua sha every day?

It is not advisable to use gua-sha daily. The stone scraping process tends to break fine blood vessels to improve circulation. However, overdoing this may lead to bruising and hurt the skin barrier.

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