L'Oreal Hyaluronic Acid serum shampoo review by Yourskin.in

It is very difficult to be a person with dry, flaky scalp. While the condition is not severe and does not require any special treatment, it can cause a plethora of problems for your hair. I am one of them and something that people do not know is the “dilemma of dry scalp.”

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People with dry scalp need to wash their hair regularly because if they don’t, then the person next to them can experience snowfall. The amount of flakes I shed can turn India into Switzerland. 

The problem here is that washing your hair too often can result in more drying and I don’t know about you but marinating my scalp in oil does not seem like a viable option. This is where L’oreal Paris’ Hyaluronic Acid shampoo comes in. 

After using this shampoo for more than two months, I am ready with the review and spoiler alert, most of the things here are positive. So let’s get into the review. 

Brand Claims and Ingredients

The L’oreal Paris HA shampoo is targeted to people with dry hair and scalp. This is a no-brainer as hyaluronic acid is one of the most well-known and widely used humectants in the skin care industry. 

The brand claims that this shampoo can keep your hair hydrated for almost 72 hours, which is 3 days. Wash your hair today and you do not have to worry about dry hair and scalp for three days. Sounds perfect!

Apart from that, the brand claims that this shampoo can make your hair bouncy, shiny, soft, and all the nice and desirable qualities you want. Every shampoo brand claims that, but let’s see L’oreal Paris’ stay true to their claims. 

L'oreal Paris Hyaluronic Acid Shampoo Brand claims by Yourskin.in
L’oreal Paris Hyaluronic Acid Shampoo Brand Claims

Physical Impression

The shampoo comes in a generic plastic bottle. Nothing special here. The color of the shampoo is light purple, like the blueberry blast ice cream but with faint colors. The consistency of the shampoo does not feel different in hand but when you rub it on your scalp, it is a totally different story. 

The shampoo has a mild fragrance and is thick and viscous. Nothing special or different here as well. It feels like a normal shampoo for the most part. 

Application Impression

I remember using it for the first time and feeling this slimy, sticky texture that was due to the Hyaluronic acid. So the nice thing is that the company did not just write HA for the sake of it and actually put an effective quantity of the ingredient in it. 

Using the shampoo was a pleasure as I could feel it working on my scalp and hair right after the application. Apart from the slimy sensation (which is not too overwhelming), everything else felt normal, just like using a regular shampoo.

There was no sign of irritation, itching, or any other allergic reaction while or after applying the shampoo. 

Review Conditions

  • Weather type of the place
  • Skin type
  • Any conditions?
  • Extra information (additional products being used at the time of testing)

Coming to the condition of the review place, at the time of testing the product, the weather was warm and humid with average air quality index. The temperature ranges from 35 degree celsius to 28 degree celsius. Humidity ranged from 56% to 78%. 

All these conditions are worth noting as they are not at all great for any hair type. So if you live in a place where the weather is milder and more merciful to your hair, you’d get better results than we did. 

Results and Review

Both the reviewers are in the age range of 24 to 30. While testing the shampoo, we avoided using any other skin care product, even a conditioner or hair oil. We wanted to see how much the shampoo affects the scalp and hair. 

After the first wash, we were delighted to see the results. The hair felt significantly bouncier, smoother, and softer. It was moisturized as well. So much so that I have never felt my hair feeling this hydrated. 

The same was for the scalp. My scalp always felt drier than the Sahara desert and yet after using the shampoo for a month, it has turned into fertile lands filled with strong hair follicles. 

The other reviewer had oily scalp and she did not experience much benefit from it, meaning that go for this shampoo only if you have dry scalp to get the most out of it. 

What makes this shampoo even better is that I could use it every three days. Sometimes, I used the shampoo everyday and there was not a single negative thing I noted about my hair. 

As I write this review, I have already placed an order for another bottle and it’s gonna be a long time until I find something as wonderful as this shampoo, if I find it at all. 

Do note that this article is written from the perspective of someone who suffers from dry scalp. Is this the perfect shampoo made? Not at all. But out of all the shampoos I have tried, this one has worked the best for me. 

Price and Miscellaneous Information

Factor in the price of the shampoo, which is around ₹181 for a 180 ml bottle, and this deal becomes sweeter. A great bottle of shampoo at a great price. What else does anyone with dry scalp and hair need?

The L’Oreal Paris Hyaluronic Acid Shampoo comes in 3 sizes. Following are the Amazon links to all three sizes of The L’Oreal Paris Hyaluronic Acid Shampoo. 

Click here for the 180 ml variant

Click here for the 340 ml variant

Click here for the 650 ml variant

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