What is Squalene by Yourskin

So you have been visiting different skincare shops and noticing that many of the expensive products have ‘squalene’ written on it. What is squalene and how can it help your skin? We’ll explain everything you need to know about squalene; its benefits, side effects, and the science behind all of it. 

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Just like hyaluronic acid, squalene is something that our body makes naturally. The annoying sebum secreted by our sebaceous glands contains squalene. In fact, it is estimated that squalene makes up around 12% of sebum.

Yes, the same sebum that clogs your pores and helps in causing breakouts contains an expensive ingredient that is also found in high-end skincare products. The irony. 

So what exactly is squalene and why is it so popular in skincare products? Let’s put on our lab coats; we are going to look at the science behind it all. Before you skip this part, trust us, it is not going to be too detailed. 

What is Squalene

Squalene is essentially a poly-unsaturated hydrocarbon liquid, a form of lipid that’s found in our skin and body. Simplifying the above statement; it is a compound with a lot of free carbon molecules. 

It is also used as a raw material to make other compounds such as cholesterol, Vitamin D, and some steroid hormones. Apart from that, it is an excellent moisturizer and helps in forming the natural skin barrier with anti-oxidative properties. 

Squalene is also a carrier. Our skin is not like a mesh that accepts anything you apply in it. The protective barrier prevents some things while taking in others. Squalene is one of the lipid carriers that take other ingredients in the skin. 

So let’s say that you want an ingredient inside the skin but the skin does not accept it. Combine it with squalene and it will take the ingredient inside the skin. It is much easier said than done, but you get the gist of it. 

Enough of the science part. Let’s get to the reason why you clicked on the article. What are the benefits of squalene for your skin and is paying the extra bucks for this ingredient worth it?

Benefits of Squalene

Here are some of the great benefits of squalene and why you should consider getting it incorporated into your daily skincare. 

Great Moisturization

Squalene is an excellent moisturizer and emollient. For people with dry skin, squalene can provide deep moisturization that lasts longer and improves the suppleness of the skin. Since squalene is natural, it penetrates your skin more efficiently than other moisturizers. 

Improves Natural Skin Barrier

Squalene is a part of your natural skin barrier. A healthy amount of squalene on your skin can do wonders. The natural skin barrier is important for hydrated and healthy skin, free from irritation, inflammation, and other skin issues. 

Reduces Inflammation 

With its anti-inflammatory properties, it is excellent in reducing skin inflammation, redness, and irritation. It is wonderful in calming and soothing skin especially when people have skin issues such as psoriasis, eczema, and rosacea. 

Apart from that, squalene is also great for healing skin problems and wounds. Doctors have used it in skin treatments for ages. 

Prevents UV Damage

The reason why the sun damages your skin is because the UV rays can create free radicals that cause the degradation of the skin. It can lead to DNA damage, sunspots, and excessive melanin production. Squalene has antioxidants that counter the effects of free radicals, hence reducing UV damage.

Improves Skin Texture and Elasticity

Healthy skin requires optimal levels of squalene. With environmental and Sun damage, people start losing it and hence the skin becomes dry and dull. Regular application of squalene improves skin texture as it improves hydration and restores the natural skin barrier. 

Improves Scar Marks

With improvement in skin health and restoration of the natural skin barrier, squalene can also help in fading scar marks away. It does not directly fade the marks but helps in rebuilding the skin, improving the texture, and hence, reducing scar marks. 

Reduces Signs of Aging 

Most of the signs of aging you see on your skin are due to free radicals. Squalene reduces the damage caused by these free radicals and hence, improves signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, elasticity of the skin, etc. 

What is Squalene and its benefits by Yourskin
Benefits of Squalene

Any Side Effects?

No matter how safe an ingredient is, when it comes to skincare, patch testing something new is always recommended. Squalene is generally considered to be a stable and safe product for most skin types. However, there have been some side effects reported. 

Irritation: Some people have noticed that squalene has caused some level of skin irritation, mostly people with sensitive skin. Layering squalene with other ingredients could be a factor, but it is better that you start slow and small. 

Acne breakouts: Since squalene is a lipid, it can be the reason for breakouts for many people. People with oily skin must beware as it can make your skin oilier and give you the ‘heavy coating’ feeling. 

Allergic reaction: It is very rare for squalene to cause an allergic reaction but not impossible. Some people might notice redness, irritation, itchiness, etc after application while some people’s skin might become more sensitive to sunlight. 

Squalene is generally safe for topical application and the side effects are rare. But it is always better to consult a dermatologist 

Resources and Research

Squalene: More than a Step toward Sterols

Biological and Pharmacological Activities of Squalene and Related Compounds: Potential Uses in Cosmetic Dermatology

The importance and perspective of plant-based squalene in cosmetology.

What to Buy?

Following are a few amazon links to some of our favorite, tried and tested squalene skin care products (in order of preference). And as always, take care of your skin.

Still looking for skin care? Here are some reviews:

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