Do you need sunscreen when it's cloudy cover image by

Awareness regarding sunscreens is notably limited, particularly in India where people are accustomed to prolonged sun exposure due to the year-round presence of sunlight. In India and numerous other countries, a prevalent misconception persists that sunscreen application is necessary solely on sunny days. So many people have asked in different forums about the requirement of wearing sunscreen when it’s cloudy. 

The answer to that question is a resounding yes! You need to wear sunscreen when it is cloudy in the daytime and whether the sun is out or is shrouded by clouds. No matter how dark the clouds are, it is always better to wear sunscreen. Let us explain why. 

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The UV Rays Damage, Not Sun Rays

Many people think that the bright and visible sun rays are the reason why you get skin damage, sun spots, tanning, etc. But that’s not true. The sun’s rays are the visible part of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. They barely cause any damage. 

The main culprit behind sunburns, tanning, sun spots, and even skincare and DNA damage is the invisible but very prominent UV rays. UV rays are not visible to the naked eye, but they are highly energetic electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate the skin and cause severe damage.

Even if the weather is cloudy, the clouds are not sunscreen. They only block the visible sun rays from reaching the surface. UV radiation is so powerful that it penetrates the clouds, even the darkest ones, and reaches the surface. So when you are walking out in the open when it’s cloudy, your skin is getting exposed to UV rays. 

Why You Need Sunscreen When it's Cloudy Outside -
Why You Need Sunscreen When it’s Cloudy Outside –

In fact, you are more exposed to UV rays when walking outside on a cloudy day compared to sunny days. The reason is that when the sun is shining brightly, we tend to avoid walking in direct sunlight or going out at all. But when the day is cloudy and the weather is balmy, why bother? 

So it is important to wear sunscreen whether the day is sunny or cloudy. But does applying sunscreen only apply when we are outside in the open?  Not exactly. Whenever you are exposed to natural light (even artificial light affects your skin, albeit very slightly), UV radiation creeps into your skin. 

For example, if you are sitting for long hours near a large window with a great view. All that natural light and openness bring UV rays also. It is recommended that you wear sunscreen if you sit near a window for long hours. 

Be cautious, Not Scared

Some people are not bothered by the sun’s rays, while others are scared of it as if they are vampires. Both these cases are unhealthy and damaging. You need some amount of sun exposure. The idea is not to be scared but cautious. 

Just be aware of the place you are, if you are exposed to sun rays or not. If you have to go out, apply sunscreen 15 – 20 minutes before leaving if you are using a chemical sunscreen. But the best way of sun protection is to avoid being in direct sunlight if you can. 

Good skin starts with skin that is protected from the harmful effects of UV rays. Tanning is not the reason why you should avoid sun rays; UV rays can cause severe skin damage, burn, sun spots, melasma, skin aging, and even skin cancer. Remember to wear sunscreen when it’s cloudy and take care of your skin. 

Here’s some Amazon links to our favorite sunscreens:

Interested in skin care and sunscreens? Read this:

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