ways you are damaging your hair cover image

We all love our hair, don’t we? No matter if you are a man or a woman, hair is our favorite accessory; style it, shorten it, straighten it, and it completely changes the way you look. 

Even though we love our hair so much, there are many weird and surprising ways you might be damaging your hair without even knowing it. 

So we have decided to make a list of all the different practices to look out for in your daily life that can severely damage your hair, sometimes even permanently!

Sleeping on Cotton Pillows

We bet most of you did not know that sleeping on pillows with cotton covers can be damaging to your hair. Let us explain how. 

Cotton is a brilliant absorbent, capable of absorbing water, moisture, and even oil. So when you sleep for almost 8 hours, or even 7 or 6 hours keeping your head on this absorbing material, it takes away the moisture and natural oil from your hair. 

The result is that you wake up with dry and dull hair. The solution is using silk pillow covers that do not absorb moisture or oil from your hair.

Shampooing the Wrong Way

The process of shampooing your hair and then conditioning it seems rather simple. You wet your hair, apply a good amount of shampoo, rub it on your hair, and then do the same with the conditioner. Right? BUZZER SOUND

When it comes to properly shampooing your hair, remember to shampoo the roots, condition the ends, and never vice versa; never shampoo the ends, and condition the roots. 

Shampoo is meant to clean the scalp and roots of your hair. When you wash off the shampoo, it cleans the ends as it moves along the length of your hair. Rubbing shampoo on roots can damage your hair due to the stress. 

Conditioners on the roots can make your roots heavy and greasy as conditioners do not wash off easily. So just remember:

Shampoo the Roots, Condition the Ends

Rubbing Hair with a Towel

We know it girls, you have known about it since the dawn of time. We are talking to our fellow boys who rub their hair with a towel as if it was a workout routine. Rubbing your hair with a towel after washing it damages your hair beyond imagination. 

Wet hair is extremely prone to damage and wear. Imagine using all your force to dry it? It is one of the leading causes of hair fall and thinning in the early stages. 

So instead of rubbing your hair, just wrap a towel around your head or just tap the towel on your head gently and let your hair dry naturally. 

Constantly Touching Your Hair and Scalp

Some people just cannot keep their hands in one place. Constantly adjusting the hair, rubbing or touching the scalp, pulling the hair, etc can make your scalp dirty and hair roots weak. 

So the next time if the boys want to look cool by pulling their hair back or the girls want to show they are interested in someone by playing with a lock of their hair, let’s just keep it to words and keep the hair alone? 

Using Any Comb You Like

Buying any comb that looks good or comes at a good price is not how you buy a “good” comb. The type of comb you use must be according to your hair type and condition. 

There are so many brushes out there; cushion brushes, thermal brushes, nylon bristle brushes, wooden brushes, and the list goes on. Each type of brush is meant for a different hair type. 

For example, the detangler brush is meant for people with thick and curly hair or the cushion brush is meant for people who use many products on their hair or have dandruff issues. 

Read this great article by Healthline that explains all the different types of hair brushes and who should use them. 

Sun Protection for Hair? 

We all need sunscreen before we go out in the sun. But what about the hair? Does the sun have a sweet spot for our hair? Nope. The hair is also damaged when exposed to the UV rays of the sun. 

Yes, hair is meant to absorb the UV rays and protect your head, but you can move a step ahead and apply some kind of barrier between your hair and the sun rays. 

There are some sprays available on the market that protect your hair from the sun. But the best way of keeping your hair away from UV rays is by using a cap or a hat to cover your head when you are out in direct sunlight. 

all the ways you are damaging your hair


How can a bundle of fake hair damage your hair? Well, the hair extensions that people use are attached to your hair, especially at the ends. 

Extensions, if used regularly, can result in weaker roots, split ends, and damaged hair. So make sure the occasion is really special if you want to use extensions or else stick to your real hair. 

Expose to Open Wind

Walking on the roads along with the vehicles, or sitting on a motorbike with your hair exposed; all of this can expose your hair to more harmful chemicals than there are chemicals in a chemistry lab. 

We have hundreds of thousands of hair, meaning that they have a massive surface area. All this surface area along with its oily texture makes your hair a magnet for these pollutants in the air. 

So try to avoid exposing your hair directly to the pollutants on the roads and if you cannot, make sure you use a gentle and suitable shampoo to clean the dirt and pollutants away. 

Not Massaging Enough

When was the last time you gave yourself a great and soothing head massage? Head massages are not only great for relaxation, but they are crucial for scalp and hair health. 

The scalp is a part of your body that is rarely touched. Massaging your scalp gently increases blood flow, fastens repair processes, and makes your hair roots stronger. Use hair oils that suit you and massage your hair every week for the best results. 

Lacking Vitamins and Minerals

We have read in middle school that vitamins and minerals are important for your health, but we rarely give it a thought. Naturally, if your food mainly comes from fast food places and canteens, you might want to consider getting your nutrient levels checked.

Hair is extremely sensitive to many nutrients, some of which might be lacking in your diet perhaps because you are a strict vegetarian. Eat healthy, take supplements if suggested by your doctor, and ensure that your hair is in its best state. 

So those were the different ways you might be damaging your hair. Remember that continuous practice ensures results. Avoid all these mistakes, and take care of your hair, and your skin. 

Also read; Why Biotin is so important for your hair

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