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We’ve all heard about Botox and how celebrities and famous people who cannot fight the progressive disease of ‘aging’ need to get their Botox shot. But what is Botox? 

We all know that Botox is injected into the skin (you are welcome if you did not know that). But how does this work? And why is there no company selling DIY Botox? 

In this article, we’ll take a look at everything you need to know about botox; from what it actually is to the side effects and problems with the treatment. 

What is Botox – The Interesting Part

Botox is actually the name of the injection shot given to the muscle. Readers will be shocked to know that it is actually a toxin! Yes, you read that right; a toxin is injected inside you in this treatment. 

What’s more interesting is that the toxin is taken from the same bacteria that causes severe food poisoning; Clostridium botulinum. The toxin used is one of the most poisonous things produced by a living thing. 

So why would any sane person (or a doctor) inject a poisonous toxin into your body that can easily kill someone? Botox is administered very carefully because of its fantastic effects on the muscles. 

How Botox Works

Botox is a neurotoxin; it affects the nerves and makes them send signals to keep the muscles contracted. It is like you eat something and that would make your biceps contract all the time. 

The poison used for the treatments is purified and carefully administered to prevent any major side effects. So how does it help in skincare? The cosmetic use of Botox is mostly for reducing wrinkles and making the skin taut.

As mentioned before, it makes the nerves send signals to contract the muscles. The same thing happens with the skin. When you pull your skin, notice how it does not sag or show wrinkles? 

Botox is like you stretching your skin constantly from the inside and keeping it taut. The treatment is not permanent and people need to take the shots regularly to maintain their taut skin. 

How It’s Done

The process of administering Botox is simple (for the patient, not the doctor). A healthcare professional takes the toxin in an injection. 

The injection is given to the affected area of the skin. For wrinkles, the injection is given to areas where the patient wants the skin to be taut. 

The number and amount of botox depends on the person’s skin condition and requirements. After the botox, the patient needs to get another shot of it after 4 to 6 months. 

Cost of the Treatment

The cost of botox, like any other cosmetic treatment, varies from country, city, and clinic. For example, in India, expect the cost of one botox treatment to range between ₹ 7000 to ₹ 20,000.

But in the US, the same thing can cost anywhere between $300 to $400. The cost of these shots can be low; as low as $15. But the treatment cost can alter in cities and clinics. 

Side Effects of Botox

Before you get anything done, make sure to consult your dermatologist. No amount of online articles can be as helpful as a dermatologist. 

If done from a trusted clinic and by an experienced medical professional, the chances of any major side effects are very low. However, there are some common side effects that you should know about. 

These side effects include:

  • Headache
  • Blocked nose
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Pain and swelling at the injection site (most common)
  • Watery eyes
  • Drooling

These are the common side effects. There are some major side effects as well which are not as common but certainly more dangerous. They include:

Problems in vision 

Issues in talking or eating

Severe allergic reaction 

Issues in breathing

Other muscular problems. 

A Word of Warning

While Botox treatment is very common, the rise in popularity of this treatment has resulted in the rise of many unlicensed and inexperienced people giving out ‘cheap’ treatment. 

There are so many cases of botched faces, permanent damage, and other serious medical conditions due to improper administration of Botox. 

Make sure that you get it done from a trusted place and by a licensed medical professional. Contact your dermatologist and get all the information before getting it done from anywhere that offers a ‘cheaper price.’

When it comes to skincare, cheaper prices might lead to paying more later. Take care of your skin. 

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