What is Murumuru cover image

It seems like companies use made-up terms in their products to make mediocre products stand out. You can have a sunscreen that gives ‘bio-shield’ protection from the sun and similar hogwash that does not make sense. So what’s the deal with Murumuru?

You might have been seeing ‘murumuru’ being the star of the show for many products. From hair conditioners to moisturizers and body lotions, murumuru is like the rising star with a career brighter than the sun. So what is it exactly?

Murumuru What?

Murumuru is not just the local name of the plant derivative, but actually the scientific name as well. And they say scientists are boring. Called Astrocaryum murumuru, the tree is a type of palm tree that’s native to the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. 

Murumuru is the name of the plant and the fruit’s seed oil and butter is used in various skincare products ranging from moisturizer, conditioner, hand creams, lotions, etc. The application possibilities are endless because of the qualities of murumuru. 

Just like other nut-derived products such as shea butter, murumuru is useful for the skin and hair because of its emollient and moisturizing properties. But just saying that does not explain why murumuru is everywhere. Let’s take a look at all the benefits of this wonder ingredient. 

Science Bite

Here’s a small section that talks about the active ingredients in murumuru oil and butter that give it all the beneficial properties. The oil contains three active ingredients; Lauric acid, myristic acid, and oleic acid. All of them have moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties. 

Benefits of Murumuru for Skin

We’ll look at the benefits of murumuru for hair later. First, let’s take a look at the benefits for the skin. 

Deeply Moisturizing

The high-fat content found in murumuru oil is excellent in providing deep moisturizing to the skin. For people who are into skincare, you do not give them any other reasons than moisturizing for them to like the product. So regular application of murumuru oil will make your skin smoother, plumper, and softer. 

Treats Acne

Many oils are known to have antimicrobial properties that prevent the growth of bacteria on the skin. Murumuru is one such oil that has excellent anti-microbial properties. So people with acne-prone skin will be glad to use this oil on their face. 

Prevents Early Signs of Aging 

Moisturization and signs of aging are closely related. As the skin ages, it gets looser and drier. Pores expand and you lose the youthful glow. Regular application of murumuru oil can improve skin texture, and make it more plump and radiant. Moisturization improves everything. 

Improves Dry and Itchy Skin

This benefit is quite obvious as it is the combination of two other benefits; moisturization improves dry skin which could be inflamed and the antimicrobial properties prevent itchiness, redness, or other skin infections. As one can notice, murumuru oil can be wonderful in alleviating symptoms of psoriasis and eczema. 

Prevents Environmental Stressors 

The air outside, especially in countries like India, is full of pollutants and free radicals that can cause serious, irreparable damage. Murumuru oil has a lot of antioxidants that counter the effects of these free radicals and provides deeper protection for your skin. 

Let’s see what makes the oil even better

Benefits of Murumuru

Benefits of Murumuru for Hair

Something that’s so beneficial for the skin is bound to be great for the hair. And it is. Let’s look at some benefits of murumuru oil and extracts for the hair. 

Reduces Frizz

No one wants frizzy hair. It is difficult to manage, leads to more damage, and just looks unkempt and untidy. Murumuru butter or oil is excellent in improving hair texture and making it less frizzy and more manageable. Get frizz-free hair with murumuru butter; bet you did not expect to read this line ever. 

Improves Hair Moisture 

As already established, murumuru oil and butter are great moisturizers. Not just skin, but they are excellent in moisturizing the scalp. The oil also reduces scalp inflammation, dry patches, etc. It also improves the overall texture and moisturization of hair. 

Protects Hair From Damage

The same environmental stressors such as sun, free radicals, etc that damage the skin do not spare the hair. Murumuru oil’s high antioxidant content and moisturizing properties allow it to protect your hair and keep it healthy in the long run. 

Makes Hair Stronger

Better moisturization, less frizz and dryness, and protection against free radicals all result in hair damage. Since murumuru oil can prevent all three, you get stronger and healthier hair. 

Promotes Hair Growth

Murumuru butter/oil is enriched in Vitamin A which has been shown to promote hair growth and even prevent hair loss in some cases. So if you want to grow your hair faster and prevent hair fall (mostly both for people), this oil can be a game changer!

Side Effects or Allergic Reactions

Not everything is nice and dandy about murumuru hair. Anything that’s applied on the skin or scalp topically has some amount of risk of causing some side effects or, in rare cases, allergic reactions. While the oil is very safe, there are some side effects that people might experience. 

The most prominent side effects of include:

Comedogenicity: Since the oily and fatty nature of murumuru oil is the reason for its benefits, it is also a highly comedogenic ingredient. People with oily skin might want to do a patch test if they want to avoid breakouts. 

Heavy feel: Continuing from the previous point, the oily nature of this ingredient can result in a heavy feeling on the face. Imagine feeling there is a layer of something on your face the entire time. Not a good feeling. 

Interfere with hair treatment: The high lipid content of murumuru oil can interfere with some hair treatments that involve the use of keratin or other chemical relaxers. Consult a professional if you are planning hair treatments about the things that can be used on hair and things that should be avoided. 

So that was it. While there are some side effects, the oil and butter are generally considered to be very beneficial for the hair and skin. Just remember that many of the products with murumuru oil/butter are not going to be effective due to the low content of the oil in them. 

Also, read: Here’s how Glycerince helps your skin

Research and References

All the points we make in our articles are backed by research evidence. Here are some important research papers that back the claims:

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